Cells At Work! Season 2 Episode 1 English Subbed - Bump!


Wooow, hi internet citizen. How are you all? I hope you all are well. In the midst of the atmosphere that was not very clear this time, something appeared with a new season here!

What is that? Yes! Cells at work! Season 2, or in Japanese, Hataraku Saibou Season 2. Who doesn't miss the platelet's "ano ne ano ne" sound?

Cells at work season 2 episode 1 english subbed

Cells at work season 2 was released on January 9. Sorry, if I'm late updating for episode 1.

Summary Cells at work season 2 episode 1

The story begins in the body of a human. Red blood cells are distributing oxygen as usual. Then, he meets white blood cells, and they greet each other.

After that, the red blood cells talk a little with the white blood cells about drinking ocha, or tea so that the body becomes fresher and healthier.

After that, the red blood cells continue their job, namely distributing oxygen and other materials. Meanwhile, there is a platelet, who feels he is not so strong. He was nicknamed the backward hat.

He saw the action of the germ-killing white blood cells that had entered the body, and these platelets began to admire him. However, suddenly the human body they lived in was injured.

It turned out to be a deep wound, or a lump. With alacrity, the white blood cells tried to stop the internal bleeding. Assisted by platelets. Did they stop the bleeding?

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